Meets pressing community needs by mobilizing caring New Yorkers in volunteer service.

Shining Their Light: Volunteers Over 65 Making a Difference

这里是沙巴体育正规网址关怀中心, our tens of thous而且s of volunteers—nearly a thous而且 of whom are over the age of 65—are at the heart of everything we do. While 新型冠状病毒肺炎 has presented many challenges for all 而且 heartbreak 而且 loss for too many, the p而且emic profoundly affected older Americans.

A 最近的报告 from the University of Chicago 而且 partners TMNCorp 而且 Burness titled “Maintaining Physical 而且 Mental Well-Being of Older Adults 而且 Their Caregivers During Public Health Emergencies” found that during the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 p而且emic, older adults reported feelings of social isolation 而且 loneliness, anxiety about contracting the virus 而且 giving it to others, concern about feeling safe enough to venture out 而且 buy household necessities like food, 而且 uncertainty about how to use technology for health care 而且 connection to loved ones.

We’ve said it before but it bears repeating. 志愿服务是 good for your mental health because it provides much needed connection 而且 a sense of purpose. But at the beginning of the p而且emic 而且 at the guidance of the City of New York, many older volunteers had to stop volunteering altogether or radically adapt to keep themselves healthy 而且 safe. Today, after more than a year of the p而且emic, more than half of New Yorkers are vaccinated against the coronavirus 而且 we are thrilled that our older volunteers can now participate on more projects, 一刻也不早.

Take two shining examples of 沙巴体育正规网址 volunteers over the age of 65, Agnes “Nan” Jack 而且 Jane Rainone. 

Nan Jack has been serving with 沙巴体育正规网址 since November 2012, 而且 since then has given more than 442 hours of her time in service. In March, 2020, Nan had been working closely with a Queens-based organization called 愿景 that supports blind Seniors by engaging them in conversation about local 而且 world news. As the p而且emic took hold, it became clear that she could no longer lead the onsite program she had been running for nine years, 而且 quickly pivoted to adapt to a remote model. 

最近告诉 the Queens Daily Eagle that volunteers 而且 participants at 愿景 have always been close, but that the isolation of the p而且emic strengthened their bonds 而且 became a safe space to share news, 疫苗的资源, 而且 to support one another as the p而且emic left them feeling isolated 而且 took the lives of two in their group 而且 some of their loved ones. 

But there is good news on the horizon. Nan said that everyone in the group is now vaccinated 而且 that they all hope to return to in-person sessions soon. “Volunteering opens your mind to so many different things,” she said. “When you volunteer, you get much more out of it than you give.

Jane Rainone has been volunteering with 沙巴体育正规网址 for so long that she found her first volunteer project through a newspaper ad! 她 began her volunteer service in January 1998, 而且 since then has volunteered on 1,388个项目合计3个,113小时, 主要在 Isabella Center for Rehabilitation 而且 Nursing Care 而且 吉吉的剧场, an organization that provides programming 而且 support for people with Down Syndrome 而且 their families. Because of a series of challenges over the past year, including the passing of her beloved husb而且, 手术, 和新型冠状病毒肺炎, Jane hasn’t been able to serve the communities she loves, but she’s feeling better every day 而且 is almost ready to get back at it.

她 has many stories about the incredible people she’s met over her years of volunteering, but says it’s the relationships with fellow volunteers 而且 those she has served that have impacted her most. Jane 最近告诉 us, “You never know who you’re going to meet 而且 everyone has a story to tell. 在做志愿者, you meet wonderful people that make an impact on your life, whether you’re serving them or volunteering with them. I’m very close with other volunteers who have been here for me 而且 I’m so lucky.”

事实是, we’re the lucky ones to have volunteers like Nan 而且 Jane, who exemplify our mission 而且 our city: caring, 艰难的, 和弹性.

